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Monday 13 February 2012

What Is Cluster Computing?

In a nutshell, network clustering connects otherwise independent computers to work together in some coordinated fashion. Because clustering is a term used broadly, the hardware configuration of clusters varies substantially depending on the networking technologies chosen and the purpose (the so-called "computational mission") of the system. Clustering hardware comes in three basic flavors: so-called "shared disk," "mirrored disk," and "shared nothing" configurations.

Shared Disk Clusters

One approach to clustering utilizes central I/O devices accessible to all computers ("nodes") within the cluster. We call these systems shared-disk clusters as the I/O involved is typically disk storage for normal files and/or databases. Shared-disk cluster technologies include Oracle Parallel Server (OPS)and IBM's HACMP.
Shared-disk clusters rely on a common I/O bus for disk access but do not require shared memory. Because all nodes may concurrently write to or cache data from the central disks, a synchronization mechanism must be used to preserve coherence of the system. An independent piece of cluster software called the "distributed lock manager" assumes this role.
Shared-disk clusters support higher levels of system availability: if one node fails, other nodes need not be affected. However, higher availability comes at a cost of somewhat reduced performance in these systems because of overhead in using a lock manager and the potential bottlenecks of shared hardware generally. Shared-disk clusters make up for this shortcoming with relatively good scaling properties: OPS and HACMP support eight-node systems, for example.

Shared Nothing Clusters

A second approach to clustering is dubbed shared-nothing because it does not involve concurrent disk accesses from multiple nodes. (In other words, these clusters do not require a distributed lock manager.) Shared-nothing cluster solutions include Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS).
MSCS is an atypical example of a shared nothing cluster in several ways. MSCS clusters use a shared SCSI connection between the nodes, that naturally leads some people to believe this is a shared-disk solution. But only one server (the one that owns the quorum resource) needs the disks at any given time, so no concurrent data access occurs. MSCS clusters also typically include only two nodes, whereas shared nothing clusters in general can scale to hundreds of nodes.

Mirrored Disk Clusters

Mirrored-disk cluster solutions include Legato's Vinca. Mirroring involves replicating all application data from primary storage to a secondary backup (perhaps at a remote location) for availability purposes. Replication occurs while the primary system is active, although the mirrored backup system -- as in the case of Vinca -- typically does not perform any work outside of its role as a passive standby. If a failure occurs in the primary system, a failover process transfers control to the secondary system. Failover can take some time, and applications can lose state information when they are reset, but mirroring enables a fairly fast recovery scheme requiring little operator intervention. Mirrored-disk clusters typically include just two nodes.


Network clusters offer a high-performance computing alternative to SMP and massively parallel computing systems. Aggregate system performance aside, cluster architectures also can lead to more reliable computer systems through redundancy. Choosing a hardware architecture is just the beginning step in building a useful cluster: applications, performance optimization, and system management issues must also be handled.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Mig 33

Singapore-based mobile social network mig33 has launched a new Twitter-like microblogging service called Mig33 miniblog. The new microblog allows users to send 140-character messages and provides them with additional features like badges, virtual gifts, avatars, and games.

Mig33 miniblog which was inspired by sites like Twitter, Sina’s Weibo and Tumblr is currently in beta and will be integrated with mig33′s third-party games, chat, profiles and avatars over the next four months.

Steven Goh, chief executive of Mig33, claims that the new microblog has already garnered 300,000 daily active users and will be available to all of Mig33′s 55 million registered members in the coming months.

“We believe that the proposition posed by Sina’s Weibo is applicable to other emerging markets. Users want to escape the restrictions of the ‘real world identity’ orientation of Facebook and want a far more flexible identity model, and frankly, a more fun and playful service,” said Steven Goh, mig33 co-founder and CEO.

Mig33 is popular in South and South East Asia, and has a substantial presence across the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The Mig33 miniblog will debut in Indonesia first and will later be expanded to South and Southeast Asia.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

IP v6

What is IPv6?

IPv6 or Internet Protocol Version 6 is the next generation protocol for the Internet. It's designed to provide several advantages over current Internet Protocol Version 4 (or IPv4).

Both IPv6 and IPv4 define network layer protocol i.e., how data is sent from one computer to another computer over packet-switched networks such as the Internet.

Specifically, IPv6 contains addressing and control information to route packets for the next generation Internet.We believe that the expansion of the Internet is important and upgrades are sometimes warranted.

Gathering information concering every aspects of IPv6 we would hope to provide knowledge about this technology so everyone can benefit. It is therefore also called the Next Generation Internet Protocol or  IPng  .

IPv6 is documented in several RFCs (or request for comments) starting from RFC 2460. Although IPv6 is the successor of IPv4, both protocol versions will continue to be data-oriented protocols for the Internet in the coming years.

Why IPv6?

IPv6 addresses the main problem of IPv4, that is, the exhaustion of addresses to connect computers or host in a packet-switched network. IPv6 has a very large address space and consists of 128 bits as compared to 32 bits in IPv4.

Therefore, it is now possible to support 2^128 unique
IP addresses, a substantial increase in number of computers that can be addressed with the help of
IPv6 addressing scheme.

In addition, this addressing scheme will also eliminate the need of NAT (network address translation) that causes several networking problems (such as
hiding multiple hosts behind pool of IP addresses)
in end-to-end nature of the Internet.


IPV6 brings quality of service that is required for several new applications such as IP telephony, video/audio, interactive games or ecommerce. Whereas IPv4 is a best effort service, IPv6 ensures QoS, a set of service requirements to deliver performance guarantee while transporting traffic over the network.

For networking traffic, the quality refers to data loss, latency (jitter) or bandwidth. In order to implement QOS marking, IPv6 provides a traffic-class field (8 bits) in the IPv6 header. It also has a 20-bit flow label.

Mobile IPv6

This feature ensures transport layer connection survivability and allows a computer or a host to remain reachable regardless of its location in an IPv6 network and, in effect, ensures transport layer connection survivability.

With the help of Mobile IPv6, even though the mobile node changes locations and addresses, the existing connections through which the mobile node is communicating are maintained.

To accomplish this, connections to mobile nodes are made with a specific address that is always assigned to the mobile node, and through which the mobile node is always reachable. This feature is documented in RFC 3775.

Other important features of IPv6:

Stateless Auto-reconfiguration of Hosts
This feature allows IPv6 host to configure automatically when connected to a routed IPv6 network.

Network-layer security
Pv6 implements network-layer encryption and authentication via IPsec.

Summary of Benefits in a nutshell:

1) Increased address space
2) More efficient routing
3) Reduced management requirement
4) Improved methods to change ISP
5) Better mobility support
6) Multi-homing
7) Security
8) Scoped address: link-local, site-local and global-address space

Further reading:

The other two important RFCs are: RFC 2117 (documents router alert option) and RFC 2676 (documents QoS routing mechanisms).

Hard Drives

General Information

Hard drives are mechanical devices that are used by computers to hold information (data). The data is magnetically recorded on specially coated disks called platters. The platters are divided into cylinders that start from the outside of the platter and go towards the inside (imagine the platter's rim being the first cylinder, then all the other cylinders are are just smaller circles one inside the other traveling towards the center of the platter). More than one platter are usually stacked with a small spacing between them so that a mechanical read/write head can move between them. Each Cylinder is broken down into sectors which are like pie wedges going across the circular path of the cylinder.

A head is swiveled in such a way that it can move back and forth across the platter(s). The time is takes for the head to find a cylinder (track) is usually reported as the access time in milliseconds.

The rotation of the platter is measured in revolutions per minute (rpm) and a higher value usually translates to better performance. Typical speeds range from 3600 rpm to 10000 rpm.

There are several different type of interfaces that can be used including IDE, EIDE and SCSI.

IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) is the most common hard drive standard. It is also known as ATA.

IDE and EIDE ( Enhanced IDE) interfaces come in standard, ATA, Fast ATA-2, ATA-3 Ultra DMA, ATA66.

Hard drives can and also have a built-in memory cache buffer usually between 128k and 512k bytes.

IDE or EIDE interfaces can use the Processor Input/Output (PIO) mode or the Direct Memory Access (DMA) mode which are defined in the ATA-2 specification as follows:

ATA-2 is Fast-ATA, EIDE
Ultra-ATA is DMA/33
Mode 1 DMA 13.3 MB/sec
Mode 2 DMA 16.6 MB/sec
Mode 3 PIO 11.1 MB/sec
Mode 4 PIO 16.6 MB/sec
IDE and EIDE style hard drives connect to the computer usually to a built-in connector on the motherboard. As many as 2 drives can be connected to a single 2 headed cable. The hard drives have to be designated as either Master or Slave. Small jumper pins on the drive are used for that purpose.

A computer can have a total of 2 IDE/EIDE hard drive cables connected. The first cable, motherboard connector, and associated hard drives are referred to as primary. The second set is called the secondary. Each of the cables has its own designation of Master and Slave. In the case of 4 drives the connections would be

1) Primary channel has a Master drive and a Slave Drive
2) Secondary channel has a Master and a Slave Drive

The IDE/EIDE ATAPI interface also supports CD-ROM drives and allows them to be mixed with hard drives on the same cable. Most CD-ROM drives are now of this EIDE type design and share the hard drive cable.

The Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) interface can also be used to connect computer hard drives. More information on the SCSI interface will be added shortly.

Size Limitations -

IDE drives have BIOS and INT13 combined limitations. There is a limitation at the 504MB size, the 2GB size, the 4GB and 8.4GB sizes. This issue is discussed in detail at the internet site.

Hard Drive Connectors -

Note : In AT type computers, the floppy and hard drive cables have different twists and should not be interchanged.

Practical Tip:
MFM and RLL hard drive cables have five twisted lines. Floppy cable has seven twisted lines.

Floppy cables have the twists in the lower pin numbers.

SCSI cables can have 25 or 50 pin connectors
The bus it is attached to must be terminated at two ends. Terminators are found close to the connector slot on the SCSI device.
Terminators can a set of three resistors or on newer devices the termination might be built-in and switched ON or OFF by using switches.

IDE uses a 40-pin cable with a maximum length of 18 inches. There are several designs including one or two connectors and the connector can be placed on one side of the ribbon cable or the other. The placement of the connector on the ribbon would obviously allow the cable to travel either upward from the connected drive or downward.
The distance between the connectors on a two-connector cab can also vary between designs making it at times too short to reach 2 drives simultaneously.

The older style RLL and MFM drives use two cables to connect to the controller .
The hard drive has a thinner control cable and a wider data cable . If you are using two drives, remove the terminator that is on the drive in the middle of the chain

Hard Drive : Type of Heads

Magneto Resistive
Thin Film
Placement of recording sectors

Standard Density Recording
Each track has 16 sectors
Method of calculating Megabyte Sizes

Manufacturer's Ratings = 1,000,000 is one Megabyte
Microsoft Chkdsk.exe = 1,048,576 is one Megabyte
Programs that allow you to break the 540MB hard drive limit on older computers

Micro House EZ Drive 8.01 (usually comes free with Western Digital drives)
OnTrack Disk Manager -
Method of low-level Formatting Older non-IDE Hard Drives ( Never low-level format IDE drives)

at a DOS prompt run DEBUG
Hard Drive Glossary & Links

differences between MFM, RLL, IDE, EIDE, ATA, ESDI, SCSI discussion @
ATA - Advanced Technology Attachment or AT Attachment.
ATA-66 -
DASP (Drive Active/Slave Present)
A connection signal used by ATA-2 Hard Drives on pin 39 which helps report to the Master drive the presence of the slave drive.
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
EIDE - Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
ZDR - Zone Density Recording -
A method of recording hard drive sectors, where the outer tracks have more sectors then the inside tracks.
UDMA - UltraATA also known as UltraDMA and Bus Mastering -

Monday 6 February 2012

Compuers : Some basic Knowledge

A computer is a machine which helps us to calculate, simulate and store different scenarios. For example, in order to write an e-mail, instead of paper and pen first we use a software (or program) called wordprocessor which helps us enter sentences through keyboard (Input), computer's screen (output) to read, and modem (output/input) to send it to a distant relative, friend, etc.

The mechanism to simulate a regular mail into an e-mail, gave us a very fast and much cheaper medium to communicate (not a simulation anymore). Same way, using computers we can simulate other things over which we do not have any control, for example weather, behaviour of atomic bomb, behaviour of a deadly virus, Earthquake, a innovative design for a new auto, airplane, machine, etc.

Any computer has five parts Input, Output, CPU, Memory, disk (storage) . Input is things like mouse, keyboard, modem. Output is computer screen, printer. CPU or central processing is brain of the computer which controls and execute all calculations, manipulations and output. Memory (RAM)is a temporary storage to be used by CPU when doing calculations, etc. Think of it as a scratch pad for CPU. Disk is permanent storage, on which all the software and data is stored.

When you turn on your computer, BIOS (or basic input output system) which resides on CMOS (complimentary Metal Oxide semiconductor,a type of chip) has small coded software written on it which tells CPU to read the next instruction from sector n of disk x. This next instruction loads the operating system.
A database is a software which lets user to organize their data in an orderly fashion. For example consider a company which sells cookies, they have a database of which has tables (or records) of customers, types of cookies and orders. So when customer x orders n number of x type of cookies his orders is placed in table orders. There are several type of databases. Some which are simply text files with records, others which are complex with tables of information. A table of information means "an array of one type of records", for example "an array of customer names, addresses, phone numbers". A Relational database is in which there are relations among the tables, for example consider three tables with customer info, inventory info and orders info. The relations between these three tables define the relational database. So when a customer X from customer table orders Item Y from Inventory info it is put in Orders table, there are links in these tables (through primary keys, secondary and foreign keys such Social Security number, product number, order number, etc) which lets us do that and thus making it a relational database. Popular type of relational databases are Access for PCs on windows 95, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, for huge business environment (running Unix operating systems).
Internet is a bunch of computers connected to each other. It started out when about 10 computers running Unix operating systems serving US military were connected to each other and named ARPANET. Initially, users could only send an e-mail to each other, deploying UUCP (unix to unix copy using modems) method. Then more computers from universities were added to ARPANET and research individuals started sharing their notes over e-mail. Later came Usenet which was more or less a discussion forum. Then after tremendous innovations in hardware (networking), in 1992 came Web, or the software called web browser which could display pictures and text. REST is history. Some terms

HTML : is Hypertext markup language. All pages in Internet use HTML.
Browser is piece of software to browse internet, i.e Netscape, Internet explorer.
Router is a piece of hardware which connects LAN to Internet.
Bridge is a piece of hardware which connects two LANs.
Programming languages are designed to aid humans to write code for computers. Since computers only understand the language of o's and 1's, and we humans a common english like languages, several computer languages were developed which translate code to computer language. Programming languages like C/C++,Visual Basic, Java using these a person writes a code and then compiles it and creates an executable file which is understood by machine. All .exe and .class files are executable files translated into language understood by computer.

Networking constitutes of connecting PCs and other machines with each other. If you have bunch of computers in same building connected to servers through several hubs it is a Local Area Network, like in an office building. If you have many buildings with many computers connected to each other it is a WAN or wide area network, like Universities. Going by same terminology Internet is probably Global Area Network. Servers are those computers which control user access to files, and are running all the time. All of the computers which are connected to Internet are servers since Internet demands access to information round the clock. When you use modem to connect to Internet on your Personal computer, you are connecting to a computer which is connected to Internet.

Operating systems are that piece of software which communicate with computer and converts all user commands back and forth. Operating systems have four parts which are Process manager, Memory manager, I/O manager and . Popular operating systems are Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Mac, SunOs, Digital, HP-UX, Solaris, Aix, etc.
Applications are the end user products which user run on a computer. i.e. Games, Word processing, excel, word, are all applications.

Personal computers are those machines that sit on your desk at home or at office, usually running Windows 95, MacOs, windows 3.1, windows 98, windows NT workstation, and other operating systems designed for PCs. Servers usually run more robust Operating systems like Unix, Windows NT, etc.